Saturday, August 14, 2010

Our First Weekend in Ghana

On Saturday Molly, Gina, Emily (another roommate who had just arrived) went to a part of town called Osu. As soon as our taxi arrived in Osu we were instantly bombarded by baggers and people trying to sell us things. It was quite overwhelming. A very persistent man selling paintings eventually talked me into buying something. He started out trying to sell me his painting for 40 cedis (about $30) but I explained to him that I did not yet have any local currency and bargained him down to $12 (17 cedis). Looking back on the occasion I am proud to say that I was not ripped off too badly for my first experience bargaining in this country and that it is a very pretty painting! We then went on to find dinner. It took a long time for us to find a restaurant and we were all very hungary and happy when we found a legit place. Not knowing what anything was on the menu, we had the waiter explain to us what everything was. It is amazing how kind and patient people are around here! I ordered my first authentic Ghanian meal... Banku (sour dough ball), Tilapia (the popular local fish, people eat the entire fist from head to fin), and a spicy soup to dip the Banku into.

When we returned to the hotel we greeted Ada, the last roommate to arrive. The Afia hotel was very nice. While we were there we enjoyed many good meals, a few beers, and my first ever night swim in the ocean.

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