Friday, August 20, 2010

It has been an entire week since I arrived here. So far it has been an incredible experience. The people here are so kind, I love it!
On Sunday our house was ready to move into. It is much nicer than we were expecting! We all have our own bedrooms and bathrooms, we have a kitchen, dining room, and living room. It has a tall adobe fence toped with barbwire that wraps around a nice green manicured yard. We have security guards that take turns sitting in a little office outside the house 24 hours a day. All the security feels a little excessive but it’s nice to feel safe anyways.
We have been walking to the Aya Centre everyday for class. This week we had a Twi class. Learning the Twi language is very difficult, as any foreign language is, but I’m making progress. Today was the last Twi lesson, the course was much too short but I plan to keep practicing on the locals. The way people speak this language sounds so good, they sound so graceful with their words, I really want to learn it!
This week we learned how to ride trotros. The trotro is the most popular form of transportation in Ghana. It is a system of large passenger vans that have different routes and stop to pick people up and drop them off. Accra also has a bus system but it is not popular because it takes longer and costs more. Trotros are usually packed to the brim with people and always cause perfuse sweating. It was a fun experience, but I am nervous do it alone! At least I have a cell phone so that I can call for help when I get lost!
I am really happy that I went on this trip! I like all my roommates and my first glimpse at African culture!

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